Helpful How-Tos - Green

Convert Cabinet Doors Into Fun-Loving Message Boards With Chalk Paint

Cabinet Trick - How-To

Sure, sticky notes are great, but there’s nothing like writing a friendly reminder on chalkboard the size of your kitchen cabinet! And all it takes to convert one of your cabinet doors into a fun and helpful message board is a little chalk paint, a brush, a roll of painters tape, and some colorful chalk.

The first step is to decide whether you want to put your message board on your cabinet door’s exterior or interior: exterior chalkboards create a fun-loving atmosphere and are great for sharing friendly reminders with the whole family, while interior chalkboards are super handy for cooking conversion charts, to-do lists, and countless other practical purposes! Once you know which side you’ll be painting, simply remove the door and use painters tape to line the frame. Then, mix up the chalk paint and apply at least two coats, allowing each to dry for 24 hours. Once your homemade message board is ready, re-install the door and christen it with some colorful chalk that’ll brighten up whichever side of the door it’s on!

Chalkboard Inspiration
  • Little Love Notes
  • Friendly Reminders
  • Cooking Conversion Charts
  • Grocery Lists
  • Tic-Tac-Toe Board

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